Monday, March 26, 2012

Cutting Board Divider

 We use a lot of cutting boards.  You would think that I love to cook if you look at the tools in the kitchen.  I like it as much as a trip to the dentist.  Always a necessity but a real pain.  Actually, I am lucky enough to have a Cooking Man.  You can probably buy your own on Ebay, but they are not cheap.  Bids happen fast and if you aren't sitting by your computer at the end of the auction, they will slip right through your fingers.  I was lucky!
I do enjoy to build though.  This was a quick little project, but necessary.  Our cutting boards were leaning up against the vent on the microwave. Here's my solution:

Vent area needs circulation.

Cutting board storage area.  I measured height and depth to determine size of divider.

Oak banding to finish off the visible edge of divider.

Get out the household iron

Iron on the edge, sand and stain.

Divider was held in place with long finishing nails.

Insert cutting boards and hurry to Ebay for your own Cooking Man!

Happy Bidding!

Linking Up With

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

So YAY  for us....and of course a big thank you to
 Wendy at Herballistic Garden!

She has chosen our humble little blog for


Gosh, she sure has a lot of faith in us!
Wendy was one of the first blogs that we followed. 
 If we could award her back, she would be one of our choices!

So we have to share seven facts about ourselves and pass the award on to five blogs that we love 
So here we go! no particular order...

Here are seven facts about us.
1.  We love to share our birthdays together.  It's a sister day out and we never miss it!  Why some of  us have been known to call in sick to work, ....ahem.......cause they were really sick!
2.  What happens at girls day out stays at girls day out.
3.  We all like the ultimate bargain.  It's bragging rights for the best deal.
4.Always take the ignition keys from the car when peeing roadside, as sisters like to drive away while you are in your most vulnerable position. (pants down)
5.We all hate cooking!...with a passion 
6. We all love dogs and can milk a goat.... or five and still catch the bus after we have slept in.
7.And lastly, we are crazy Halloween fanatics.  We pick a haunted house every year and have a girls night out and try to scare each other.  In fact we made the local news one year!

Well that's what we are all about!  Girls just wanna have fun!
XOXOXO Sisterkins.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Window Bling

Time for some Spring Bling.  Just looking out the windows this morning at a winter wonderland.  Nice picture until you pull the shovel out and wonder when your poor hearts gonna give out!  Well to put a positive spin on this pretty ominous day, we needed to pizazz with some color jazz.  Actually when the weather was beautiful, I was inside sewing.  Whats wrong with this picture?

Hopefully these pics paint a brighter day:

I measured my windows and added 1/2 inch seam allowance.  Marked out my fabric with my chalk marker.  Notice I laid this out on the fold.   This fabric was a buck a meter.
This is my lay-out
Four windows = eight pieces.
Wanted to put some coordinating trim.  I also inserted a tassel at the center point. 
I cut strips of a coordinating fabric and sewed them together to insert my welting 
Trim is ready to use.
I put my fabric right sides together with trim and tassel inside. 
Sewed all the layers together!
Turned right side out....and voila!
All three done for the bigger windows.  One left to make for the smaller window. 
I originally stapled my valance to a trim board cut to the width of my window frame.  When I dry fitted into place, I realized that the trim piece was visible....duh!
I covered the trim piece with some fabric. 
I used some double sided tape to hold in place.  I must confess I only used this for one as the fit was tight enough to hold them in place while I tacked them up.

First window.
Second window
Third window.
This is how I installed them.
A look from underneath.
I used two finishing nails to install the valances.
All three big windows done!
Small window complete.
 Well that's my Window Bling!
Hope you are having a great week
Linking Up With

The ArtsyGirl ConnectionThe 36th AVENUENightOwlCrafting

Monday, March 5, 2012

Circle Quilt

I purchased this circle template.  It was expensive!,  so needless to say I will be making lots
of Circle Quilts!

I started cutting circles out of a denim and flannel fabric. 

Sewed right sides together, made a slit in the fabric, and pulled right sides out and pressed. 

Next, you mark all the circles with the template which has the square markings on it. 

Start sewing them!

Sew strips then join the strips together.

Always press! Very important !

TA DONE!!!!!!!

Happy Circles to You!
Until We Meet Again!
Bessy Boo

Linking up With

MakingThe ArtsyGirl ConnectionThe 36th AVENUENightOwlCrafting